Critical Transition Points

There are points in all our lives where things get difficult, or the future feels unclear and we feel an unsettling lack of control.

For some people, these moments in time can make all the difference to their being able to remain economically active, or resorting to dangerous paths in order to keep afloat.

But with the right support, a successful transition can improve a person’s social, emotional and performance outcomes. Our current projects include helping young people living in areas facing high levels of deprivation to make the transition between school and college; helping women fleeing domestic violence to live and work independently; helping those recovering from addiction to gain employment.

This stream of work is wide ranging and we welcome any ideas on how we can help charities deliver high impact interventions.

The latest Critical Transition Point stories on the City & Guilds Foundation website:

Delivering Green Skills Training with Greenworkx and Catch22

Delivering Green Skills Training with Greenworkx and Catch22

The City & Guilds Foundation is pleased to announce two new partnerships with Greenworkx and Catch22 to deliver green skills training. The partnerships will provide training and support to help people from disadvantaged backgrounds develop the skills they need to work in the green economy. Greenworkx is a climate EdTech startup that is tackling the green skills emergency and building the net-zero workforce. Their mission is to get 10 million people into green jobs in 10 years. They are...

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Gower College update: £100k project to support at risk young people into secure employment funded by the City & Guilds Foundation

Gower College update: £100k project to support at risk young people into secure employment funded by the City & Guilds Foundation

In this video, Gower College Swansea gives an update on the progress of our strategic partnership to support learners at risk of dropping out of education, overcome barriers and find positive ways to gain skills and enduring work. The funding is aiming to put up to 200 young people through a Transition & Engagement support programme, designed to raise aspirations and help disadvantaged and disengaged learners to develop and enhance existing skills to prepare them for the world of work. You...

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City & Guilds Foundation and Gower College Swansea launch innovative £100k project to support at risk young people into secure employment

City & Guilds Foundation and Gower College Swansea launch innovative £100k project to support at risk young people into secure employment

The City & Guilds Foundation and Gower College Swansea have entered into a new strategic partnership to support learners at risk of dropping out of education, overcome barriers and find positive ways to gain skills and enduring work. The funding will put up to 200 young people through a Transition & Engagement support programme, designed to raise aspirations and help disadvantaged and disengaged learners to develop and enhance existing skills to prepare them for the world of work. The...

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Widening participation in heritage crafts: training bursary for Black and ethnically diverse makers

Widening participation in heritage crafts: training bursary for Black and ethnically diverse makers

The City & Guilds Foundation sponsors the Heritage Crafts training bursary targeted at Black and ethnically diverse makers, which is an under-represented group in heritage crafts. This guest post is by Daniel Carpenter of Heritage Crafts. For more information, see their website: It is still the case that the UK craft sector does not accurately reflect the diversity of the UK as a whole and, for this reason, we are taking positive action to target this grant at Black...

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City & Guilds Foundation supports new bursary for Black and minority ethnic trainees

City & Guilds Foundation supports new bursary for Black and minority ethnic trainees

The City & Guilds Foundation and Heritage Crafts are delighted to announce a new bursary for Black and minority ethnic trainees in heritage crafts. The first bursary is being awarded to Nkosi Kerr, who moved to the UK from Tobago in 2019. An incredible talent, he was taught carpentry by his father, a well-respected craftsman. With the support of the bursary, Nkosi will complete a Level 3 Bench Joinery course at the Building Crafts College in London setting himself up to make...

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Connecting Communities: new free service to support London residents into full time employment

Connecting Communities: new free service to support London residents into full time employment

Connecting Communities: Your Bridge to Success Connecting Communities is a free service that can support eligible individuals* into full time employment. There are lots of jobs in the City of London, and Connecting Communities can help individuals by: Improving basic skillsLearning new skillsPreparing for a jobPutting together a CVGaining work experienceAccessing and applying for local jobs To arrange a meeting with one of their experienced Caseworkers, email...

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Lasting relationships, lasting impact

Lasting relationships, lasting impact

Our bursary programme was set up 21 years ago to help people in genuine financial need to access training programmes. The programme was designed to change people's lives by allowing them to develop their skills - and to this day it remains a core programme of the Foundation. Last year we launched our bursary alumni, bringing together individuals who had been awarded a bursary since 2016 and wish to share their stories and inspire others. One of the most rewarding elements of the...

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New bursary launched to help Londoners get back into work

New bursary launched to help Londoners get back into work

Created in response to the impact of the pandemic on London’s labour market, the new £50K London Bursary Skills fund aims to remove barriers to help Londoners quickly upskill and find work Today, the City & Guilds Foundation – part of skills organisation City & Guilds Group –  has launched a new London Bursary skills fund of £50,000, aimed at helping those who need it most across the capital get the skills they need, fast. Set up in response to the serious impact of the...

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The real impact of the pandemic on young people

The real impact of the pandemic on young people

This guest post is by Anna Kent, Communications Manager at Snow-Camp. Snow-Camp are the UK’s only charity using a combination of snowsports, life-skills training and mental wellbeing support to help young people from inner-city communities. Working at the indoor snow centres in London, the North West, the Midlands and Scotland, we also provide qualifications, work experience and volunteering opportunities to those who would never normally get the chance to access the snowsports industry. In...

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