Widening participation in heritage crafts: training bursary for Black and ethnically diverse makers

by Aug 2, 2022Charity partners, Critical transition points, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Funding, Heritage crafts, News

The City & Guilds Foundation sponsors the Heritage Crafts training bursary targeted at Black and ethnically diverse makers, which is an under-represented group in heritage crafts. This guest post is by Daniel Carpenter of Heritage Crafts. For more information, see their website: heritagecrafts.org.uk.

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It is still the case that the UK craft sector does not accurately reflect the diversity of the UK as a whole and, for this reason, we are taking positive action to target this grant at Black and ethnically diverse groups who are currently under-represented in the craft sector.

We believe that the value of our craft heritage comes from the diversity of skills and traditions across all of our communities, wherever they originated and whenever they were brought here. We want everyone to feel included in Heritage Crafts and our work, no matter how long they have called this country home or what their background may be.

You could be just starting out on your journey in craft or at the point where you want to turn a hobby into a career, or you could already be a maker who is looking to further develop your heritage craft skills.

If you are new to a craft and you would like assistance with finding a trainer, please get in touch and we will do what we can to help. Successful applicants will be supported by the Heritage Crafts team to develop an action plan. We will work with you to monitor progress and support you to achieve your aims.

What can this grant be used for?

There are a number of routes to learning a craft skill. Applicants can apply for a grant for any amount up to £4,000 which can cover or contribute towards:

  • the costs of training with a craftsperson;
  • the costs of attending a specialist training course;
  • the costs of attending an accredited training course;
  • undertaking a self-directed programme of training with one or more craftspeople;

The bursary cannot be used for:

  • exhibitions or other awareness-raising activities;
  • writing publications or books;
  • general living expenses;
  • marketing activities, website development etc.
  • buying specialist tools or materials;
  • buying books and study materials.

How to apply

Please apply by completing the application form, which also contains more information about the bursary including the assessment criteria. We will also accept a video application of no more than 10 minutes in length in which you address all of the questions in the form.

Complete the application form here.

Assessment, shortlisting and final selection will be carried out by the Heritage Crafts Awards judging team with assistance from the City & Guilds Foundation, and interviews will be carried out by Zoom.

The deadline for applications is 5pm on Friday 30 September 2022. If you have any questions or need assistance with the application process, please email Mary Lewis at mary@heritagecrafts.org.uk.

This training bursary is one of a suite of awards and bursaries offered by Heritage Crafts to support and celebrate craftspeople. Heritage Crafts also have an award for non Black and ethnically diverse makers that is running concurrently. Find out more on their website.

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