Rhi Christie, from Cardiff, is celebrating winning the City & Guilds Learner Prize at this year’s Pewter Live, an annual European Design Competition which promotes the use of pewter and innovation in design. Each year, this important event is supported by City & Guilds through the provision of a cash prize to a student who has produced outstanding work. Rhi’s entry, entitled ‘No Harmony’, is a pewter-coated ceramic sculpture, which explores how underwater plant life is harmed by human...
Livery companies
The latest stories in this category from the City & Guilds Foundation and our networks.
Recognising excellence through the Livery Company Prizes
Earlier this month we hosted the annual City & Guilds Livery Company Prizes awards at Mansion House, home of the Lord Mayor, The Rt. Hon. Professor Michael Mainelli (Alderman). Each year City of London Livery Companies award prizes to honour outstanding learners and tutors from across the UK, who have achieved or delivered City & Guilds qualifications. The City and Guilds of London Institute was founded by the Livery Companies in 1878 and therefore maintains a close link with them....
No Going Back: City & Guilds Foundation supports The Livery Company initiative
There are few occasions since setting up City & Guilds some 144 years ago when the Livery Companies have worked together towards a single objective. And that’s why we’re delighted that through the City & Guilds Foundation we’re able to support the new and exciting Livery ‘No Going Back’ initiative supporting offender rehabilitation. At the City & Guilds Foundation supporting the rehabilitation of offenders and former offenders has been a priority for some time. We recognise that...
City & Guilds – continuing to forge the skills for today, and tomorrow
Everything we do at City & Guilds is driven by our purpose. Today we talk about enabling people to develop the skills which will get them into a job, help them develop on the job and be able to progress to the next job. We also talk about skills being essential for economic well-being for individuals, organisations and economies, but where did all that come from? You have to go back to the Victorian era in the 1850s: a time of great change with the introduction of new...
A warm welcome to our new Council Members
As part of its Royal Charter, City & Guilds has a Council, made up of external partners who provide advice and guidance on our work and are actively involved in how we serve the needs of our learners and employers. We are delighted to welcome our most recent new members who bring a wealth of expertise and experience from a wide range of sectors: Princess Royal Training Awards alumnae Candice Gardner, Education Manager – Digital and Content at Dermalogica and Denise Alexander,...