XO Bikes

The latest stories with this tag from the City & Guilds Foundation and our networks.

Inspiration and innovation at HMP Pentonville with XO Bikes

Inspiration and innovation at HMP Pentonville with XO Bikes

Since we created the City & Guilds Foundation in 2019, one of our key funding activities has been identifying and activating practical ways to support those who have been in Prison (or at risk of entering Prison) to build skills and secure, and sustain, employment. We know that there is a recognised and agreed need to reduce reoffending, and evidence shows that upskilling prisoners, together with stable accommodation and support is the most effective way to recidivism. Our £1m Big Idea...

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Big Idea Fund: Five new projects awarded funding to unlock potential and support rehabilitation

Big Idea Fund: Five new projects awarded funding to unlock potential and support rehabilitation

Back in June we announced that we were inviting expressions of interest for the second round of our Big Idea Fund. The £1m Big Idea Fund was established in 2019 as the first major initiative of our Foundation, to support prisoners with upskilling to aid their rehabilitation on release. Following an initial shortlist, 11 projects out of 37 applications were invited to submit a full application which was scored by our Commissioner Panel which includes City & Guilds Chief Executive, Kirstie...

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