
The latest stories with this tag from the City & Guilds Foundation and our networks.

Changing Lives, Changing Industries: HMP Highpoint’s groundbreaking rail training

Changing Lives, Changing Industries: HMP Highpoint’s groundbreaking rail training

Around two weeks ago, we had the privilege of attending HMP Highpoint to see the opening of the first ever rail centre of excellence in prison, which back in 2022 we provided funding for installation of a rail track so that industry-standard training could be delivered to the men inside. We talk a lot in the City & Guilds Foundation about our role in removing barriers for people to gain skills and opportunities. But in seeing the incredible facilities – a pipe dream less than two and a...

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Commitment of big business proves vital to tackle reoffending

Commitment of big business proves vital to tackle reoffending

We were delighted to see the latest MOJ release that some of the UK’s biggest and most progressive companies have deepened their commitment to get people in prison into work on release, and that this has played a pivotal role in the rising numbers of prison leavers in employment 6 months after release - almost two thirds between April 2021 and March 2022, from 14 per cent to 23 per cent. According to government statistics, reoffending is reduced by up to nine percentage points for those who...

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