Latest Past Events

IN-PERSON: Understanding your Social Impact Footprint

City & Guilds Head Office 5-6 Giltspur Street, London

Join us for our kick off Autumn in-person event – a panel conversation around understanding your social impact footprint, hosted by Charlotte Turner.

Take your training to the next level – hear from JD Group and Sainsbury’s


Join the City & Guilds webinar to hear from global brands JD Group and Sainsbury’s and find out how they are using our Assured service to drive growth and develop the leaders of the future through training. During the session we will explore, through two real life examples, ways in which our external quality benchmark […]

Unlock refugee talent to access skilled people looking for work


The City & Guilds Foundation welcomes you to join a session with our partners The Launchpad Collective to examine how to unlock refugee talent to access skilled people looking for work. The Launchpad Collective (TLC) connects employers with refugee talent. Steered by refugees, for refugees, working side-by-side with both job seekers and employers so that […]