Report library

Explore our reports addressing vital issues in workforce readiness, skills development, inclusivity, and economic growth. From upskilling the energy sector to empowering the next generation, our reports offer valuable insights and recommendations for advancing various industries and communities.

ND Index 2024

Responsible Business Report 2023

This annual report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Standards.

ND Index 2024

Neurodiversity Index 2024 Report

 The second edition of our Neurodiversity Index reviews the evolving landscape of neurodiversity at work.

Training Trends 2023

Training Trends 2023

Research and trends focusing on unlocking investment and realising potential.

City & Guilds Impact Report 2023

City & Guilds Impact Report 2023

Holding ourselves accountable for meaningful change.

ISB Manifesto

Industry Skills Board Policy and Business Coalition Manifesto

A vision for a Future Skills Development System – serving People, Places and Productivity.

Celebrating the impact of learning and development

Celebrating the impact of learning and development

Exploring the themes from the 2023 Princess Royal Training Awards including post-pandemic recovery, leadership and DEI.

Investing in skills for growth

Investing in skills for growth

New employer report exploring the benefits of high-quality training for organisations looking for a competitive advantage and ways to grow.

Bright Futures report

Bright Futures: decarbonising the UK’s energy workforce

Exploring the readiness of the UK energy sector workforce to meet the Government’s ambition to decarbonise the energy system by 2035.

Training Trends 2022

Training Trends 2022

Research and trends focusing on driving effective in-house training.

Levying Up report

City & Guilds Foundation Impact Report 2022

The Ripple Effect: delivering more impact, to more people, who need it most.

Neurodiversity Index Report

Neurodiversity Index Report: supporting neurodivergent employees in the workplace

Our workplace report developed in conjunction with DO-It Solutions.

Youth Misspent

Youth Misspent: barriers facing young working age people today

Uncovering young people’s challenges in today’s job market and identifying solutions needed to empower this generation to enter the workforce.

Missing Millions

The power of skills innovation in prisons

Profiling impactful programmes we have funded in prisons and spotlighting some innovations in training that can help equip prison leavers for the world of work and lead to qualifications.

Levying Up report

Levying Up: delivering sustainable skills

In collaboration with The 5% Club, highlighting the challenges employers are facing when engaging with the apprenticeship system and making the most of their levy.

Great Jobs Report

Great Jobs: recognising the essential jobs that keep the UK working

Report looking at the challenges facing the sectors most impacted by essential worker shortages.

Leading Through Values report

Leading Through Values: leadership through principles and practice

Uncovering how leadership drastically changes company culture and how values inform it.

Skills Index 2021

Skills Index 2021

Calling on employers, individuals and the Government to rethink their approach to lifelong learning, sharing responsibility for ensuring that people’s skills remain relevant throughout five decade careers.

Flex for Success report

Flex For Success? Employers' perspectives on the apprenticeship levy

Recommendations that the Government needs to listen to and act upon in order to help fix the barriers still stopping take up of apprenticeships.

Missing Millions

Missing Millions: considering the untapped potential of millions of working age people in the UK

Shining a light on the worrying reality of the UK’s skills and productivity crisis.

Act Now report

Act Now or risk levelling down the life chances of millions

Urging the Government to give UK regional economies greater autonomy over skills and employment to develop grassroot recovery strategies.

Making Apprenticeships Work

Making Apprenticeships Work: the employers' perspective

Presenting the Industry Skills Board’s 25-point action plan to make apprenticeships work.

Sense and instability 2019

Sense & Instability 2019

This report asks three key questions of education policies: what success measures were in place, were they used effectively and were
they met?

Constructing our future

Constructing the future

How the skills needed for success in the workplace are changing.

People Power

People power

Does the UK economy have the skilled people it needs the future?

Future Skills Coalition

Future Skills Coalition

Our latest partnership with AELP and AOC aims to drive a coherent and sustained model for future skills development and workforce investment. Find out more, make a pledge, and discover all of our partners.

Party conferences

Party conferences

City & Guilds is hosting the first-ever Skills Hub at party conferences this year. If you are attending, find out more and see what sessions we’ll be running so you can join on the day.

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